Monday, June 27, 2011

Detecting, Destroying and Removing Lice

Luckily, my son has never come in contact with lice and I sure do hope he never does. Unfortunately, however, many children do come in contact with the pesky bug at some point, often when they are school age. There are a few products on the market that claim to rid your child's head of lice but they are often pretty toxic because they are in fact, pesticides. LiceGuard makes a safe product called the Robi Comb which uses an electric battery charged comb to collect and zap the bugs. They are then combed out of the hair. The process sounds tricky since you can't always see lice, but the Robi Comb gives out an audible signal to alert you that lice are indeed present.

Keeping a Robi Comb on hand at home is a great investment on the occasion that head lice make their way into your quarters. Sharing clothing, bedding, toys and even playing with other kids at the playground can make a child susceptible to lice so getting rid of them as soon as they touch your child is something you'll want to accomplish. It's also important to vacuum frequently, wash bedding and toys frequently and try your best to prevent passing lice on to other family members and friends.

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