Sunday, July 20, 2014

Summertime Fun Activities and Products

Here is a review of some fun products you can use this summer to provide some summertime fun.

Spatter Blaster

Everyone remembers running around attacking their family or friends with silly string when they were a kid. It was a pretty mess-free way to goof around and have fun. You simply had to pick up the string when you were done. Spatter Blaster makes top-of-the-line silly string that is super thick and shoots incredibly far. It comes in all different colors and one can is pretty big; it lasts for about a 15 minute silly string fight if you are using it the whole time. It retails at about $10 and is totally worth the money for some summertime fun. We used a couple of cans in our backyard to have some fun and we literally covered the whole back lawn with Spatter Blaster, that's how much there was to go around. Cleanup was relatively easy; those who shot the string had to pick it up. You can get Spatter Blaster at Walmart, Toys R Us, online and other retail stores in your area.


How To Train Your Dragon 2 just recently came out and it's a big hit with the younger crowd, especially the boys. My son was really into the movie and was interested in getting some sort of toy to go along with it. He's obsessed with Legos and blocks in general so I was excited to come across Ionix blocks that have a number of different sets pertaining to How To Train Your Dragon 2. Ionix blocks are compatible with Legos and they are nice because they are more affordable but a good quality. We've tried some other Lego-alternatives only to find that they didn't click together as nice but Ionix work great. A couple of Ionix sets can keep your child occupied for an entire summer day!


For the little babies in your family you can pick up a Taggies toy to keep them happy and busy. Tags in general attract babies because of their movement, their feel, etc. Taggies began as blankets and now have blossomed into toys. Taggies has a big line of baby toys that feature the small tags on them in all sorts of brilliant colors. They are affordable and will give your little one hours of pleasure.

Bright Starts Having a Ball Count N Roll Buggie

Another great toy for the toddlers is the Having A Ball Count N Roll Buggie by Bright Starts. Your child can drop balls into this cute bug and watch as it moves around. There are plenty of songs and sounds that make this toy intriguing and educational for all toddlers.

Root Suit

What is a Root Suit you ask? A Root Suit is one of those full body spandex suits that you may have seen some kids wearing this past Halloween or around town. They cover the body from head to toe. Don't worry, you can see through the mask portion. This is a fun item to use as a costume or to use for a day of summer fun and goofing around. We laugh a lot in our home so a Root Suit is a good way to get a lot of laughs and fun.

Club W

Don't forget about us adults. For those of you that like wine, you might want to consider signing up for Club W. This wine club sends you wine each month for $13 each bottle. You can choose a higher price bracket if you would like to receive different quality wines. You fill out a questionnaire about your tastes and Club W sends you wine picks based on your likes and dislikes. It's a great way to try new wines at an affordable price. You can subscribe to Club W yourself or you can send it as a gift to somebody you know and tailor it to what they like.

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